Friday, November 30, 2012

Summer is Here!

Wearing: ASOS dress, vintage hat, sportsgirl wedges


The first day of summer has fast approached us after a long dreary winter which I thought would never end. Having to get up at 4.30am for work through the winter almost killed me, but it was all worth it for my ten week trip to Europe which is fast approaching also, in all my hopes I hope it comes a bit faster. I can't wait to document my travels on here. In the meantime I shall fill my blogs pages with banter and clothes.

This dress was so cheap on asos I really did question the quality of it, but to my surprise it was great fabric, and a perfect fit. The dress is so easy to wear in summer especially on those days at the beach with the warm summer breeze gushing past you, it's light and the pattern is so pretty, the long tail is also a winner! These shoes I bought from sportsgirl a few years ago now but they are super comfy and I couldn't tell you enough times how much I love them. This hat was a bit of an opshop find, and I see these things in ops hops all the time so I'm pretty sure you could get one at your local thrift store.

Life has blessed me with a beautiful day today, no work and friends, so I must soak up some of this sunshine! XO


Friday, November 23, 2012


Dress: Op-Shop find, (can't really label it as 'vintage'), Shoes Op-shop (but I see these boots everywhere), socks- stolen from sister (cotton on).
This bad boy was found in the big lady section of the op-shop but works as a dress also! I love the big beautiful gold rose shaped buttons, and the beautiful colour. At only $4 it was a great find, if I don't say so myself. Yes I am aware my smile is super dorky- but the flowy-ness makes me feel happy and silly plus the fact I'm finished with uni, yippee! I'm off to see Deep Sea Arcade hence the blog post title.
Goodbye xo

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Wearing: Vintage altered dress, Necklaces from Op-Shop, Bowler Hat from Ebay, Bracelet from Ebay, Shoes from Myer and Socks by Cotton On.

When my sister asked me to do some photos for her, and take a study break I was overjoyed and not just because I was getting away from study. I love taking photos of people where you can never get a bad shot (not that I am experienced in that area), but with my Madeleine it is so easy as it is almost impossible to get a bad photograph of her. At 15 she knows what she likes and these are her first set of heels- gush! She requested I style the shoot and borrow pretty much all my clothes (as usual). But she really wanted to wear these colours with the bright lipstick and add in her frilly socks. I love this simple black dress that I have worn many occasions, originally I found it in the plus size section of the Op-Shop and by sewing up the sides it became the perfect black shift dress. Dressed up or down, worn by itself or under something else, it always does it's job.

All photos/ styling/ make-up by me.


Friday, November 16, 2012

Madeleine: Headshots

 My best friend and my worst enemy, my sister photographs pretty god damn well.

Wearing: white lace dress by Wish and white flower headband from Sportsgirl.

All photos, make-up, styling by me.

Sunday, August 12, 2012


Wearing: $5 Second hand feather necklace, Sportsgirl bag, Cool paper bag from bookstore, Zara boots & pants and Supre black top.

Tearing myself away from my monotoned lecturer discussing the endless glories of muscle tissues, I thought I'd put together a super original blog post on an outfit I wore, that carries no originality what so ever. Fully aware the floral pants are overdone and spring has not even arrived, I am still loving them and have finally gotten around to buying myself a pair. Spending weeks on end raiding second hand stores and contemplating making them, but finding the time, what a challenge. I finally found a pair that I loved so much that I even ended up buying the matching blazer. 

These photos were shot in Surry Hills, Sydney by my dearest friend Grace.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


1) Grace's room 2)Sydney Trains 3/4/8/30)Power lines and Buildings 5)Lemon Cafe 6)Florist 7) Zara Pants/ Shoes 9)Sun 10)Grace getting into Banksy 11)Most photographed ally in Sydney 12)Endless Cupcakes 13)Markets Sign 14-18)Harbour 19-24/ 27) Contemporary Art Museum 25/26) Making our own art 28)Harbour Bridge 29/32) Street Art 31/33/36/37) Food 34)Glebe Markets 39)Clipper Cafe 

Finally I managed to drag myself over to Sydney, to visit my dearest friend Grace, who lives with Leah, and also visited Jade. All girls who have bravely left there homes for bigger city with big opportunities and to chase their dreams, I admire them all so much. When I think about it, Sydney would be incredibly easy to live in. I was only there for six days, but it felt like home after a few days especially being surrounded by friends. I was so lucky to have my own personal tour guides, which I know I won't be as lucky with in future travels, it truly is a privilege. The city is filled with culture, a million quirky cafes, side streets to get lost in, cute little streets with quaint little houses and bundles of markets and great shops. I loved every minute of this place and having only been in Perth for a number of hours, I already am ready to go back. Visiting Sydney really put traveling into perspective for me, and now my feet are even itchier. Fingers crossed this year and goes by super quickly. It's amazing that you can sometimes feel more at home in places you don't even know, having spent my whole childhood living in places no more than a year, I feel change is in my blood. Whenever we would arrive in a new town or city, I would jump for joy at the fact I got to explore a new place, weather it be the english country side, a bustling city or the sandy outback. I think that adventurous child within me will always be there.

All photos by me and Grace.